Armenian Youth Musical Showcase

On Sunday July 17th, 2016, seven very talented "Hye" musicians performed at St. Sahag Armenian Church in front of an audience of about 35 people. The talent displayed by these young musicians in our community was an eye opener for me and others in the audience. We are very fortunate to have in our Armenian community in Minnesota such group of talented youngsters.

The performances started with Sam Nyholm playing the energetic piano piece by Burgmuller. Next in order was Megan Nyholm playing Ode to Joy by Beethoven on the trumpet. Ani Tonoyan played beautifully the Nocturne in C by Chopin. The younger Amelia Tonoyan played an Armenian Folk Song on the piano. Cynthia (Melkonian) Ghannoum played Minuet by Bach & Tick! Tack! By Fr. Hunten. Her sister Reena Ghannoum played a piano piece by Anahid Merankoulian. Max Ylitalo finished the recitals by playing a medley of Armenian songs on his Euphonium.

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Last modified on Monday, 28 November 2016 16:56


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