The Armenian Cultural Organization of Minnesota (ACOM)


Website Notices of  Events


ACOM - April 24 Remembrance Day

Program to be held starting at 6:30PM

At St. Sahag Armenian Church - Yerevan Hall

(see Calendar for complete notice)



Winter/Spring ACOM Newsletter now available.

Minihyelites No. 167


\Latest Video in the series "What was it like growing up Armenian in ...?"

is now available.

Featured Panelists: Lucine Simonyan - Vanadzor, Armenia and Carrie Mesrobian - MN/SD

Click HERE to view the session


Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

was held Sunday April 23, 2023 - 1 to 4

3M Auditorium at Minnesota History Center

Click HERE for the event summary and Video


ACOM is extremely proud to share with the Armenian community, their families and their friends, the honor of receiving, only recently, both a


Proclamation and a Certificate of Recognition
for all their work and contribution to the Armenian community, from the State of Minnesota, signed by Governor Walz.

 View a copy of the Proclamation           View a copy of the Certificate


The Armenian Cultural Organization of Minnesota (ACOM) preserves and promotes Armenian culture, language, history and heritage in Minnesota and the upper Midwest. Founded in 1980 and headquartered in St. Paul, ACOM is the oldest and largest Armenian organization in the state.

ACOM welcomes everyone, regardless of ethnic, religious or political affiliation, who takes an interest in Armenia and Armenians. Our members include first generation through fourth generation Minnesota Armenians, their families, and non-Armenian friends of the community.

Help Support Us!

Whether your interest is genealogy or history, fine arts or folk crafts, travel or current affairs—even if you don’t speak a word of Armenian—you’ll find a warm welcome at ACOM social gatherings and cultural events.

Learn More